Before and After: Close-up of cheeks with large pores and bumps (‘Before’) vs. clear, glowing skin (‘NOW’). Results from avoiding blemish-causing foods and using Ekhambee products.

Top 7 Foods That Cause Blemishes and Why I Gave Them Up

When I first started paying attention to what I was eating, it wasn’t just for my skin but for my overall well-being. I had been dealing with gut sensitivity issues that left me feeling uncomfortable and bloated. So, I decided to dive deeper into what I was putting into my body. The goal? Cut out foods that weren’t doing me any favors, especially the ones that were affecting my gut and causing blemishes. Let me spill the deets on what I discovered!

1. Refined Grains and Sugars

Refined carbs are sneaky. We’re talking about white bread, pasta, sugary snacks – all the stuff that’s quick and easy to grab. These foods mess with your energy levels and can lead to breakouts. Once I cut back, my skin looked brighter and I finally was able to lose weight.

2. Dairy Products

Now, dairy is a conversation, especially for us women of color. A lot of us don’t process traditional dairy the same way. I discovered that A2 dairy might be easier to digest for some, but I gave it up to get rid of that heavy and bloated feeling and to even out my skin. It also use to make my periods unbearable. Thank goodness, I am post that stage of life.

3. Fast Food

Fast food? I gave this up many moons ago. It does not even taste like real food. It’s loaded with all kinds of toxic preservatives and unhealthy fats that drag your body down. Once I let it go, I noticed I wasn’t feeling as weighed down or sluggish, and my skin wasn’t acting up as much.

4. Foods Rich in Omega-6 Fats

Some fats are good, but oils high in omega-6, like mixed vegetable oil and soybean oil, can cause imbalances in your skin. I swapped them out for healthier alternatives like grapeseed oil and avocado oil, which not only taste better but make you feel good from the inside out.

5. Cheap Chocolate

I’m a chocolate lover, but not all chocolate is the same. Cheap chocolate, packed with synthetic ingredients and not much real cocoa, didn’t just upset my gut but also led to more blemishes. I would break out before the day was over. Sometimes, I even make my own dark chocolate to keep it authentic and make sure I’m getting that rich, pure cocoa flavor.

6. Whey Protein Powder

Whey protein powders might be popular in the fitness world, but for me, it wasn’t doing any good. My gut couldn’t handle it, and my skin wasn’t happy either. I switched to pea protein isolate instead, which you can find for a great price in bulk aisles or at natural food markets. It’s been a total upgrade for my gut and skin.

7. Foods You're Sensitive To

Everyone’s body is different, but for me, fried and greasy foods, along with many soy products, were causing issues. Interestingly, I can tolerate tofu just fine, but the I try to avoid  the rest of soy products especially that milk alternative that is full  synthetic junk. Artificial additives and preservatives were also on my no-go list, and cutting them out was a solid choice for both my body and my skin.

What I’ve learned

Giving up these foods wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. The more I cleaned up my diet, the better I felt – inside and out. I noticed my skin glowing and my energy coming back. If you’re struggling with blemishes or gut sensitivity, take a good look at what’s on your plate. You might be surprised at what’s causing those problems.

And as a bonus tip, I’ve been using my own Ekhambee Sensitive Skin Cleanser,  Sensitive Skin Moisturizer - Unscented and Pores and Blackhead Clarifying Bundle to keep my skin glowing and balanced while I worked on improving what I was eating. Natural and clean products, along with the right diet, can do wonders!


Stay Radiant,


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